Insurance Plans Reviews and Articles

Jivan Anand Life Insurance Policy from LIC and My Experience

Posted in life insurance by kishosingh on February 11, 2009

I have already told you in my previous post about my experience with corporate health insurance. Now, I want to share my own life insurance experience to you. I am 24 years old still I was not insured. Once day, I met with my teacher friend. We were talking with some different topic. Suddenly, we come to the insurance topic. He asked me about my life insurance. I told him that I don’t think about insurance and have not thought over the insurance policy.

Now, he was serious. He begins arguments with me about insurance. He gives one suitable argument that no car and motor bike run on road without insurance then you do you not think about your life insurance? “We also run on road every day then why should we don’t feel about our life insurance?”

After that logic I had no space for arguments. That time I decided to be an insured person. He was an insurance agent actually. That is why he wanted to make me insure. In spite of some reality was there. I asked him to tell me about best policy. He was my friend so he suggested for Jivan Anand Life Insurance of LIC.

He told me that JEEVAN ANAND is unique combination of ’’Whole Life’’ and ’’Endowment’’ policy. By this policy I was able to get an insurance of whole life without paying policy amount.

He told me that if you get a policy of Rs. 1 lakh then you have to pay only premium of Rs. one lakh. After that you will get endowment at the end of the selected term or on end of your life.

He told me about premium also that you are able to pay in term of yearly, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly. I saw an advertisement also nearly about Jivan Anand policy that if you take the policy then your life will be “ANAND HI ANAND”.

Now, I want to ask that let me know Jivan Anand is right for me or is there any other policy which is better for me?